click to Schedule a strategy session with samantha here
If you would like to have Samantha help you to strategize about your dating and come up with an actionable plan to enable you to find love and create the type of relationship you desire, you can schedule a Strategy Session with Samantha.
You can schedule the session through the Intro app by clicking here. The session is a video chat.
Your Session will be with Samantha directly. It will be your opportunity to talk to Samantha ALL about your dating so she can help you move forward to better dating, strategic dating, dating that will yield proper matches and a real relationship for you. Samantha will help you come up with a plan, an actionable plan and a realistic plan, so that you can accomplish that one thing you truly want- to move onto a fulfilling long-term and real relationship in 2025 that can lead to commitment, marriage, a family, kids, etc
Once you click to schedule a strategy session, you will be taken to Intro app, where you will be prompted to choose a length of time for your Strategy Session:
Choose a 15-minute session - If you ONLY want to say a quick Hello to Samantha and just scratch the surface.
Choose AT LEAST a 30-minute or longer session- If you really want to delve in with Samantha and come up with a real plan of Action
*** BONUS —In the month of January, IF you book a 30-minute or longer session, in addition to the session, Samantha will review your dating profile for free prior to your session and provide you with a free assessment. She will have you send me your dating profile- the content, your current photos and/or photos you are considering using and then she will make actionable suggestions to help you make your profile the best that it can be. Sometimes it takes an objective and expert eye like hers to notice the nuances of your profile that might be hurting your chances of connecting with the right person, that person you want to meet.
Once you sign up for your Strategy session, please send an email to so that we have your contact information and also please go to the link provided once you sign up to fill out Samantha’s registration form. This registration form will provide Samantha with additional information about you, your lifestyle, and the type of person which you are looking to meet in advance of session, so the two of you can use your time together more efficiently.
schedule your strategy session here
Each Dating Strategy Session is unique and personal to you. If you want advice, Samantha is all ears- she will give you suggestions and feedback with an objective and expert eye. She has been doing this for over 20 years so she has seen and heard EVERYTHING, not to mention that she has helped hundreds of couples get married! She gives excellent tough love and unlike your best friend or your sister, she says it like it is and she truly helps you “get real”. If you are full of rationalizations and denial regarding your dating, she is going to call you on it and help you get back to the right path, the path that will lead you to love. And if you want Samantha to get to know you better in general, so she can also keep you in mind for my men while you strategize, she will do that too. Or if you just need a sounding board about your dating, Samantha is here for that as well.
Schedule your strategy session here
*Strategy Sessions are non-refundable.
**A Strategy Session does not, in any way, guarantee that you will be introduced to someone through Samantha’s service. Samantha sets people up, if and only if they fit the criteria for which a client has asked and visa versa. The purpose of a Strategy Session is for Samantha to learn more about you and help you to fine-tune and improve your dating.